Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Are you in?

For five days now, my well of literary musings has left my blog dry. This isn't supposed to happen yet; I've not been blogging for even a month! So what happened? Where did the inspiration go?

I've a feeling that, perhaps, I haven't been able to come up with anything "just right" in the past almost-week due to the fact that I've been bad--I haven't read my Bible. To tell you the truth, I was never all that great at reading the Bible. Growing up, it had always been there; it had always been around. And we all know that when something becomes familiar, we lose most of our interest in it. Of course, I wasn't born with the urge to bury my nose in the Bible all the time, but... I think you get my point.

Perhaps one of the reasons that I haven't really been able to just sit down with the Bible and gobble it up is because I made the classic "kid trying to read through the Bible" mistake: every single time I made the endeavor, I always began with Genesis 1:1. At the very least, I've read the first five chapters of Genesis 20 times. (At the least.) And I'm not even kidding. Now, years later, I still can't bring myself to read Genesis. I've simply drowned in those first few chapters a few more times than I would care to have.

And then that's when the "guilt" kicks in. As I hold my Bible, I subconsciously believe that it's "just a book", not really all that special. Sure, it's about God, but... why can't I just read Agatha Christie? And save the God stuff for Sundays? And that, my whole slew of about three readers, is what most of us Christians tend to do, whether we mean to or not.

Since I've not ever been the best example of a Bible-reading Christian, I can't really tell you to get over your Bible slump and inundate yourself with God's word. But I can, however, ask you to take this journey with me. "And what journey is that?" you inquire.

Well, to tell you the truth.... I don't actually really know. I do, however, know the ends I wish to reach: falling in love with the Bible, reading it at least once a day, becoming closer to God than ever before. (And let me tell you, at some times, I wasn't sure where I ended and God began. Yes, it IS possible to be so involved in the Spirit that your own self just doesn't really matter anymore. I've been there once or twice.) So how about it?

The challenge: to read at least one chapter of the Bible daily. (That's not too much to ask, is it?) Just one chapter. And take my advice, don't start this off with Genesis chapter 1. Start with a different book. It'll be easier in the long run. Though I don't know where I'll start, I advise Daniel, Song of Solomon, Esther, Colossians, Romans, or Ecclesiastes. In my opinion, those are some of the best books out there. Random fact: whenever I need courage, I read Esther. Or, I watch One Night with the King. You know. Whatever floats your boat. (Perhaps even this!)

Next part of the challenge: realize what it is that you have. In America, Bibles are easily accessible, and those who own them usually don't face any persecution for the fact. While some people may call us some not-so-nice names, that's practically the worst of it. (For now.) Do people die in America for owning Bibles? No. Are Christians slaughtered for their beliefs here? Nope.

Image from Wikipedia

Do people die in North Korea for owning Bibles? You betcha. Are Christians slaughtered for their beliefs in Saudi Arabia? Absolutely.

As American Christians (though hopefully I'll gain plenty of non-American readers), we are largely complacent and nonchalant about faith. Truth be told, many of us would not be willing to die for Jesus. Which, when you think about it, is truly quite sad, considering that He died for us first. Shouldn't we return the favor?

Anyways, that's a discussion for another day. What I want to help you realize now is this: The Bible is the inerrant, eternal, holy word of the Living God, who was, and is, and is to come. Shouldn't we be ecstatic to have access to this book?

So, how about it, readers? Will you do this with me? Will you read a chapter of the Bible each day, and pray at least once a day? I'm gonna go for this. Now that you've got the guidelines (read a chapter, then pray. Or, pray then read. See how laid back I am? ;P), only one question remains:

Are you in?


  1. I'm in! Okay we need to talk soon because this stuff is really getting to me and I am craving to know more and hear more. It's like God is calling me to his word and to you I'm craving things I've never craved before!

  2. Let me guess, you've got what I call "Holy Spirit chills"? :) Gotta love those.

  3. I'm in too! And yes chills on my end as well. I'm in bed under a blanket. So the Holy Spirit is the only explanation for chills, even in my house. Hehee.

  4. Haha! Verily, verily. (Yes, that was an Edgar Allan Poe referencce.) Those chills are the most uncomfortable, wonderful, joyous, frightening things ever, let me tell ya.
