About this blog

Hello Hallo Hola Bonjour Здравствуйте Salve Buongiorno Γειά σου

Welcome to my blog,
When Life Gives You Sermons!

The idea for WLGYS came to me in fairly late 2010
as I was cleaning my room. Long story short,
I stumbled upon an old Bible, opened it
"randomly" to Romans 2:1, and was forever changed
by that verse. It impacted my life so
dramatically that I ended up
creating this account and here I am,
blogging for all the world to see my walk with Jesus,
my Lord and Savior.

God also gave me the name for this blog--When Life Gives You Sermons. Because that's exactly what happens. We go through things and we have a lesson to share. We read a certain book and it changes us. We watch a certain movie and it touches us. We hear a certain song and it moves us. We come across a certain Bible verse--and it transforms us. So why not share these profound lessons--sermons--that life hands us? Why not bless somebody else with the experiences or epiphanies that we have? Why not? So here I am. This is my ministry for now. Maybe someday God will call me someplace else....but for now, this is where I'm supposed to be.

Although it's not actually my first name,
you can call me Anna. 

At the tender age of four, I became a Christian. 
I had been gifted with an unusual understanding for God,
and as a child I spoke with angels and said things that some
adults mayn't even have said. As I grew older, I began to feel
like many Christian-raised children: stale. What could God offer 
me that the rest of the world couldn't? Sure, I had this book,
the Bible, that I kinda sorta believed in, and I sang songs that I
kinda sorta meant, and I prayed to this God that I for sure
believed in, but mostly acted as if He didn't exist.

Isn't that what so many of us do?

We all seem to have our times in which we are really on fire for God--
I like to call this time Winter--but then something happens, 
and before we know it, the wood is gone,
the smoke is trailing away, and there's nothing left but a mere
spark that slowly fades into ash. Summer comes and then we think,
Who needs the fire? It's warm now, the weather's nice,
why bother? It seems pointless. But then Winter comes again...
and suddenly, we crave the fire.

It seems like so many of us Christ followers seem to go 
through this cycle repeatedly. It seems neverending!
We go through God like he's the seasons; we start with the cold
and during that time, we need fire. Then it starts to get warmer,
and all we really need is a light jacket; then before we even 
blink, it's hot outside and the fire seems useless... 
but then, cold creeps up on us again, and in the blink of an eye,
we're beginning the cycle over again.

And so it perpetuates.

So what will we do to stop this routine Christianity?
What will we do to keep the fire burning year-round?
How will we make a difference in our world, and for the better?
Our society is slipping away into an abyss of darkness,
halfheartedness, nonchalance, and carelessness--
what will we do to stop it?

I hope that my blog can be an inspiration for you.
I pray that what I post on here makes Jesus so much more real to you.
I pray that what I write becomes like a pair of glasses, making 
everything clearer. I pray that what I share will encourage you
to share your story with others. But mostly I pray that
we can join together and change the world.

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