Saturday, October 15, 2011

Will You?

Confession #1 of a 90s baby
I grew up listening to some really awesome music.

Confession #2
Among my favorite bands was the Newsboys. In spite of my temporary dislike for Christian music, I always loved them.

Confession #3
As a little girl, I was convinced I would marry Phil Joel.

Confession #4 
I didn't.

Confession #5
Aside from that tragic heartbreak (:P), I still love their music and have recently rediscovered it, thanks to my mom.

I don't know what it was about them, but I really loved the Newsboys. Just ask any member of my nuclear family, and they'll assure you. I was hardcore.

Even though I was just a toddler, I'm pretty sure I knew every single word to every single Newsboys song. I also watched their movie, Down Under the Big Top, about a billion times. We had a few of their concert videos, which I watched repeatedly. I also went to several of their concerts. I seem to recall having a Newsboys poster when I was about four, right by my bed. If there was an award for being the biggest Newsboys fan ever, I'm pretty sure my little kid self would have won it. Just sayin'.

So for the past couple of days, my mom has been listening to Love Liberty Disco, Adoration, and Thrive, all of which I love. Although each album is filled with songs that speak to me, the ones that are really standing out to me at this point in time belong to the Thrive album.

The title song is just plain gorgeous. But it's "It is You" that got me writing this post.

I've been studying a lot about the Holy Spirit lately, and God has really been teaching me about all sorts of relationships. Away from the chaos of human relationships lies the most brilliant of them all: the relationship between God and man (or woman!). When I heard this song for the first time in a couple of years the other day, it caught my heart in its net. I love, love, love, love, love the lyrics, particularly this part:

As we lift up our hands, will You meet us here?
As we call on Your name, will You meet us here?
We have come to this place to worship You,
God of mercy and grace; it is You we adore.

That part really stood out to me. It's such an earnest, calm prayer. The singer is petitioning God, saying, "We're going to praise You, we're going to worship You. Would you meet us here? Could you come down from Heaven and love on us as we love on You?" Gah. It's so simple, and so undeniably beautiful.

This song has really become my prayer for worship. It just occurred to me - literally, just now - that when some people worship, they don't expect anything from God. They just sing the song, maybe raise a hand or close their eyes, but they never invite the Holy Spirit to rest on them. I don't want to be like that. Worship, for me at least, is more than just a one-way offering. Worship is a way for me to sacrifice myself to God and to experience His music as I sing. 

God, will You meet us here? 

Next time that you worship, pour your soul into it. Don't let it be a routine anymore. Invite the presence of God to fill you. Ask Him to meet you. And He will.

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