Monday, September 5, 2011


Well, yesterday was a busy one, but a great one.

I don't know if I've blogged about my Sunday routine before, but my Sundays are always brimming with busyness. I wake up early, head to church early, and am there until about 2:30 in the afternoon. For two hours, I work with toddlers. If you're a parent, or if you've ever worked in any sort of nursery or daycare, you'll know that holding little kids for that amount of time can be quite tiring. I actually decided that I don't need to even exercise on Sundays; I get a work out from serving! Then, after serving, I attend the sermon and worship.

In reality, I don't even have to go to church at all. And most people, when they go, they're only there for one service. At my church, and many others, this means about one hour. But no; I'm a churchaholic! I love serving there, and worshipping and learning and having fellowship. I've finally discovered what one's church should be for them.

Anyways, I got home around 2:30, and then had a handful of friends over to my house for Bible study and dinner. By the time everyone had left, it was 11pm. I then proceeded to fall asleep, unable to eat anything because I had been so spiritually satisfied. Have you ever had that happen to you?

So here I am now, still basking in His presence as I enjoy my Labor Day. Alright, so this isn't my typical post. But you're probably enjoying the reprieve, aren't you? ;P Today I'm going to install my new ceiling fan and assemble my new desk, and then hopefully relax and play some violin.

Edit: I wrote in this entry that I made an account on Tumblr, but I ended up deleting it not too much later.

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